Inspire Our Readers

two person standing on gray tile paving


Would you like to contribute to our platform by writing an article for us? That’s wonderful!

We are continuously looking for volunteers who would like to inspire our readers with their knowledge and stories.

On this page, you can find more information about publishing an article on Discovering A Writers Voice.


DAWV is looking for professionals who would like to share their knowledge and expertise with our readers. The experts we are looking for are specialized in writing, promoting and publishing fictional books.



Are you a writer or published author and would you like to share your personal growth story and experiences on our blog? We are continuously looking for new, inspiring personal growth stories especially when showing positivity for writing with an illness that we do not feel is talked about enough!

What Content Are We Looking For?

person using iMac

As we are an informational platform for writers, we find it highly important to publish content that relates to writing a book.


We share articles with the following categories:

Personal experiences of writing a book with an illness (also what helps you work with your mental illness or disability while writing).

What is needed for editing your draft (beta readers and where to find them, software, tips and strategies)

The process of publishing a book (where to publish, companies to approach, publishers, managers, making a book cover, bio).

Why you should blog as a writer

How to build a following for your book

Testing famous authors practices and seeing what works.

Opportunities to make money from your writing (from recycling book content, sites that buy poems or stories, ghostwriters, other writing opportunities).

Product or service reviews (made for writers).

If your idea for an article does not fit within the examples above, please do not hesitate to still connect with us! We would love to hear your idea and see whether it fits our readers’ needs.

How To Submit Your Piece

Would you like to submit your story or article? Wonderful! We cannot wait to connect with you.


You can contact us through the contact form at the bottom of this page.


In order to ensure high-quality content on our platform, we work with submission guidelines. You can download them via the link below.

See Submission Guidelines

“You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.”

― Jodi Picoult